If you want to…
Ignite your wildly luscious, embodied creativity and self-expression and use that to write the book that is inside of you…
then you’ve come to the right place.
Welcome to
Here’s what’s happening:
I’m gathering an intimate circle of women leaders, change-makers, and evolutionary blueprint holders to a 10-week embodied writing circle.
We will create a sacred, creative container where you will develop an embodied writing practice that will keep you connected to the heart and soul of your work, and, if you choose, write the rough draft-outline of your book!

Yes, girl, YES!
We will do this
Without feeling like you’re writing a dissertation
Without being controlled and sabotaged by your inner perfectionist
Without having to know exactly what you are going to write about
Without forcing yourself to hunch over your computer for hours
Without doing it alone (because being a lonely writer is a thing, and I do not recommend it).
I’ve been there and done that, and let me tell you, I ONLY made this program, because I know how crazy, overwhelming, intimidating this can be.
Sharing the wisdom of your soul through writing a book is one of the most beautiful, transformative, yet challenging experiences you will embark on.
Seduce Your Book: Sensual Embodied Writing Circle is here so that you can deepen into the experience of writing that comes from the wisdom of your authentic truth and soul, and give you the support needed to actually follow through.
How does this happen?
When we come into our bodies, we come into our power and clarity.
We’ve been taught that using our heads and pushing through is the best way to get things done.
Just wrong.
When we push ourselves and rely primarily on the brain to create and edit our work, it kills creativity! This is because we get stuck in our heads, disconnect from our bodies and hearts, which cuts us from our message and our people.
It is through embodiment that we deeply connect to the stories that need to come through us.
When you unnecessarily push yourself, you overwork your nervous system. If your nervous system is out of whack it makes it hard to be creative.
Tending to the embodied component of writing allows us to incorporate the beautiful, analytical skills of the brain with the beautiful wisdom of body, heart, and spirit.

“Imagine gathering together in a sacred, tenderly held, creative, embodied space…
Your heart beats in anticipation and grounded joy because you feel more present in your body, and therefore more present to yourself. Your sacred seduction tools surround you: pen, paper, colors, music, incense, water, cacao, breath, and your body.
As the music flows, you allow your body and breath to lead you on an adventure. You embark on a magical journey as you tap into ancestral, intuitive wisdom, using your lungs to express the wails and ecstatic cries of your heart, your hips and thighs swaying and unearthing stories, your arms opening and embracing the truth of secret moments, your fingers writing the words that heal your spirit and touch the souls of your future readers.
You tap into the intelligence of your body to seduce your book into the world. You and your community of sister writers, all of you seducing their books into the world, and witnessing, supporting, and celebrating each other as you bring your sacred gifts to the world.
This program is designed to not only help you create and write from a grounded, embodied, playful, spiritual, heart-connected place, but to live in this way of being. Your body vessel holds the stories of your book, and Seduce Your Book guides the collaboration, the co-creation between you and the soul of your book.
Our Seduction Practice
Aka, details of the course ;)
Week 1: The Initiation
Our first online group gathering is 2 hours and will get you connected, oriented, and energetically READY for what we’re embarking on as well as a chance to personally claim, and be witnessed in connecting with and stepping into your future, author self.
You will receive:
Guided meditations to keep you in the spirit of writing
Writing prompts for when you get stuck
Embodiment and mindset practices that will help you create and maintain momentum
Worksheet on how to organize your book outline so that it feels coherent and fun to write
Becoming an author is about who you are being more than what you are doing.
Week 2: The Gathering
Our next gathering will be a 1⁄2 day (4 hour) retreat. This will be your first Sensual Embodied interaction with your creative soul work.
On this day you will Release,
Ceremonial, embodied seduction and invocation of the soul of your book.
Presence yourself and your gifts
Release any mindsets, energies, postures, or things that block you in your journey
Call in the sacred fire of inspiration
Bless the sensual body and your writing tools
Receive the sacred message of your book
At the end you will have a Core Message with an embodied mind-map that will serve as the foundation of your book!
Weeks 3-9: The Seduction
We will have embodied group coaching calls where I will lead you through my signature Sensual Intelligence™ system.
Each week we will have a different theme (Sensual Expression) that will help you
It is these stories that will become the bedrock for the components of your book outline and rough draft.
In addition you will also get Weekly Community Writing Circles. This is a creative co-writing time. There will be a guided meditation, and an optional writing journey prompt. Use this time to write, plan, and be inspired in the community.
Week 10: Closing Ceremony Plus Next Steps
To complete, we’ll have one last two-hour group coaching call that will be a sweet closing ceremony for this section of our journey.
The rough draft is just the beginning, and this will be an opportunity to clarify your exact next steps for continuing to editing and publishing your book.
(photo from @PermaculturePinup on IG)
Where & When?
Each session will be recorded so if you miss or leave early, it’s all good!
This will happen on our second session together. Be ready to drop into embodied grace and sip the sweet nectar of your creative power.
4 hours of embodied, heart-connected, soul retrieval bliss.
This will be deep work.
2 Hours
10:00am-12:00pm PST
11:00am-1:00pm MST,
12:00pm-2:00pm CST,
1:00pm-3:00pm EST
Summer Session: June 12, 19, & 26. July 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31. August 7, August 14th
These will be held on Wednesdays, unless we decide as a group to move it to another day.
This time is to focus on writing.
We will start with a meditation to get us in the creative space, and then write.
What’s the Investment?
Writing a book is not for the faint of heart. You need the creative heart connection, mental structure, embodied presence, and community…and this is what you will get in Seduce Your Book and so much more!
I truly want this to be an easy, supportive YES for you. So, the investment is only $2000. Unless you know you’re all in now and want to take advantage of my “decisiveness discount”...
If you sign up and pay by Friday, June 3rd, your investment is $1500 (or two payments of $850, or 3 payments of $580).
(That’s up to $500 off the regular investment)
And, to show my deep appreciation for your fast decision, you’ll also get this amazing extra if you sign up by June 6th…
A Bonus 45-minute 1:1 Embodied Coaching session! In this session we can explore anything around your book, mindset, embodiment practices, where you are stuck, clarity on what you want to write about, etc.
This practice does not just stop at you writing your book, this is permission and an invitation to receive and renew your aliveness, sense of purpose, community, nourishment of mind, heart, body, eros/sensuality and integrate it in ALL of our lives and our leadership.
Gah, gives me shivers writing this! :)