Love your body
Claim your pleasure
Transform your life
Let me show you how.
Sensual intelligence…
“is the embodied, artful knowledge of feeling and being. It manifests as a feeling of joy, wonder, and connection in your own body, your own skin. Sensual IQ is the art of being connected to our human experience. It is mind, heart, and body integration.” Excerpt from the book, Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ
“I can't believe how my body has morphed. I’ve opened up a whole new level of joyful, safe self-expression for me. I laugh and feel completely safe.”
— Client quote from the book, Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ, by Shawnrey Notto
Reclaim Your Joy
Two types of people typically contact me… and I’m curious which of these two you are…
First, people contact me when, if whatever reason, you have become convinced that “If I was just as hot, audacious, and comfortable in my body as _______,” you’d feel permission to be your fullest self in the world. And I’d finally be happy!
The blank could be a celebrity, influencer , or maybe someone in your social circle who just has that “thing” that makes them so confident, lighting up a room and making everyone want to be around them.
Second, people contact me when you’re already getting feedback from the world that you’re reached that pinnacle of conventional attractiveness and success… but it feels exactly that… conventional.
You may have the things that so many others desire (they would actually envy you for it)… but it feels fake. You want to be loved for you, not for some societal ideal you’ve achieved. Most importantly, you want to love yourself for who you are, not for the external validation you’re receiving.
Which type are you?
It doesn’t matter.
Because they’re two sides of the same coin.
Whether you identify more with the first person I described, or the second…
either way, you may be suffering from these:
You know that basing your happiness on external validation is an illusion, but you still find yourself falling into the trap of craving and seeking this superficial validation.
You feel like your happiness is “just around the corner”... yet at the same time, feeling like it’s so far out of reach… like a delicious dessert that’s just beyond the bars of the cage you’ve been trapped in.
You may want to find your ideal partner in life (or you may want your current partner to become your ideal)... and you’re afraid of coming across as needy or “too much”... yet you also know you’re worth it and deserve it, and you refuse to settle.
You’re basing your enjoyment of your body on how others perceive you, and the rules and ideals have been dictated to you, rather than how you actually feel in your body and in your own skin.
In fact, it can sometimes feel like you’re floating above your own body, observing things from a place of self-criticism and judgment, rather than inhabiting your body like the sensual, alive, turned-on, dazzling creature that you are.
Are you ready?
to break out of this crazy-making vice-grip
and finally feel free with your heart and body?
Kelley Reynolds
Founder and Coach at Embodied Home
This woman right here is a true treasure. She embodies all of the gifts of the feminine and has a way of holding space in such an embodied way that you are called home in your own right. I have landed so impactfully in my physical body that there is a me before Shawnrey and after. I cannot recommend working with her enough. May your life be blessed with this ray of glorious sunshine!
Cindy Manit
Founder and Community Builder for Socially Conscious Businesses
Shawnrey created was a safe space for me to explore my wild side and my elegant side! I was able to honor all of who I am and bear witness to all the emotions I am capable of feeling without shame! I walked out feeling powerful, graceful, and confident to walk my life with much more presence and confidence. Thanks Shawnrey. You are a gem!!”
Emily Orum
The Heart Ninja- Guide & Permissionary of Love and Eros
She had us up in our bodies moving energy, utilizing our sound, attuning to our hearts. She helped me tap into my huge se*ual energy. How to be fully expressed with my wildness, but also how to hoan and reign that energy in when necessary.
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