Order Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ

"BEAUTIFUL!  Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ took me on an exquisite journey to embody my joy, pleasure and grace. Read this book - it will shift your life experience in profound ways."

Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

Seduce Yourself to Joy and Fall in Love with Your Body.

IQ is mental intelligence. 

EQ is emotional intelligence. 

Most of us are familiar with IQ and EQ, but there’s another source of intelligence that ’s just as important to our success and wellbeing, but few people know about it.



Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ

Author and creator Shawnrey Notto invites you to tap into your own Sensual Intelligence (SQ) by truly living in your body. Discover yourself through sensuous poetry, personal stories, and guided practice.

Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ describes the embodied art and science of how to break free of the rules and ideals that have been dictated by society, so that you can experience greater joy and full self-expression.


This provocative books is for you if:

  • You are all in your head and disconnected from your body

  • You hide, silence, or sacrifice yourself

  • You fear you are too “needy” or “too much” 

  • You fall into the painful trap of seeking external validation, even though it leaves you empty and craving

  • You were taught to be poised and professional, but yearn to feel fun and flirty

  • You checked off the things on your bucket list, yet something is still missing

You can learn how to create a safe space within yourself.

You have the power to heal traumatizing experiences of shame.

Bathe in the healing, nourishing power of your Pleasure - and let your body serve you. 

Give yourself permission to love yourself.

Realize your full intelligence.