Your Book is Asking to be Born
How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become an Embodiment & Creativity Coach and a
#1 Bestselling Author?
I ended up in the hospital, writing myself to death. Writing the wrong way…from my head instead of my heart.
In my junior year of college I followed my dream and studied abroad in Brazil.
However, I almost didn’t make it out of Brazil alive. I ended up in intensive care, my body shutting down from the beginning toxic shock.
Why!? How?
For 72 hours straight, I sat in front of the computer writing my sociology thesis, in Portuguese. I took no breaks and lived on snacks. I forced myself to be productive, to prove myself and everyone else that I was academically rigorous. I was literally working myself to death.
Ironically, my thesis was about how dance was used to heal a community of deeply impoverished girls. Through dance we taught holistic health, self-love, the healing and joy found in full self-expression.
Yet, in my desperation to prove that I was smart and deserved to be heard and taken seriously in the academic system, I completely disconnected from my body and my truth, to the point of almost dying.
Then, to make matters worse, after I was released from the hospital, and finally finished the thesis, the program director asked me, “Shawnrey, why did you write this paper? You should have just danced for your final project.”
She was right.
And I was devastated.
For years after that, I was insecure and overwhelmed around writing.
I had this fear that I was a bad writer, and that writing meant that I would have to torture myself. So, I never finish anything I started.
Even though I had a book inside of me and a lifelong dream of becoming an author, I couldn’t get myself to do it. I convinced myself I didn’t have enough “discipline”. That I didn’t have what it takes to be an author.
I had lost my love and confidence around expressing myself through writing.
Which meant I couldn’t get my message out into the world. I was limited to the people I could reach during my live workshops. This meant that my message didn’t have the impact I knew it could, and I was missing out on money, and being the leader I knew I was deep down.
But I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of becoming an author.
Then I discovered something amazing! All those years ago in Brazil, my program director asked me why didn’t I dance my thesis.
My areas of expertise, Sensual Intelligence and embodiment, was the very medicine I needed in order to write my book.
At that point, everything changed!
I discovered how to:
Get out of my head and get into my body. This opened my intuition and creative flow in my writing.
Tap into my innate focus, clarity, and consistency. These didn’t come from an external, forced structure outside of me. When I connected to the wisdom of my body and my heart, the structure, clarity, and consistency came naturally.
EMBODY my message so that I walking the talk, which made writing easy! I had been programmed to think that I had to force myself to be productive. Not true!
Nourish my creativity and pleasure in writing. I didn’t have to sacrifice my health and pleasure for the sake of productivity.
Because I decided to write in an embodied, sensually intelligent was, I was able to:
Write my book and become the author I have always dreamed of becoming without following a rigid, cookie-cutter system.
Gain credibility in my field without selling myself out, or trying to be someone that I am not.
Be invited to podcasts, speaking gigs, corporate engagements, and more, without forcing myself to write like a business person. This is because I authored a well-written, soul centered book.
Powerfully reach people I have never been able to reach (like corporate clients), and leave a lasting legacy without feeling like an imposter.
Transform lives from anywhere in the world and people could take my teaching with them to their room and easily share it with others.
And that's why I'm so passionate about Write Your Soul Book, the immersive author journey to birth your book, and realize your dream of becoming an author, in your unique way.
Who are your Clients?
I work with women just like you who are healers, change-makers, activists, leaders, creatives, and heart-centered entrepreneurs who are wanting to get your book and your message out into the world!
I help women who
Have a book inside of you, but you don’t know how to start
Or you've started a book, but you've hit a wall and don't know where go
Have tried and are tired of the "same old" dry and uninspired ways writing
Are recovering "A-type" personality or recovering perfectionist that can get stuck in your head
Know that you have an important message to share, but need to recover your confidence and reclaim your voice
Want to step into your leadership and authority without losing your creative expression and joy
What Clients Are Saying
Jenny Zamora - Educator and PhD Candidate
I hadn’t looked at my writing for almost 2 years because I was terrified of the feedback. But, with Shawnrey’s support and course[..]I have never felt so freed before. I can finally love writing again, feel confident, and get this thing done!
Shawnrey has helped me unlock so many parts of myself. The way she guides you to use your own body to unlock the knowledge inside of you, her tenderness in holding your heart, and her joy of life makes it irresistible to be in full pleasure and full ownership of your creativity as a birthright.
Saraa Lee -- Therapist
I had stronger trust in myself that came from that work with Shawnrey, regarding how to write, how to express myself, how to talk about my work, how to be in my intellectual well being grounded in my physical and in my joy, and in my sensual. It's been life changing.
I was just featured on a very big podcast on the work that I do, and the way that I was able to center and ground myself in my truth, in my values, in who I am, and answer the questions and share my story, I know how to ground that in myself, my soul, my body, my joy. I learned to enjoy the process of writing so much more. it sort of feels like dancing and swimming, rather than struggling and suffering
Marci Shimoff - #1 New York Times Bestseller & Transformational Leader and Motivational Expert.
"BEAUTIFUL! Shawnrey is a master at what she does. She is an exquisite embodiment of living in the sacred union of the masculine and feminine. Her teaching will change your life forever."
What makes your program different from other writing programs?
I’m not just trying to make you churn out a book. If you’re wanting to take the fast lane and write a cookie cutter book, then this is not the program for you.
I actually help you open the portal of your creativity so that you EMBODY and live your message. I help you become the author of your life, your purpose, AND your book.
A lot of us grow up being told that certain parts of our expression were wrong, not professional, or not acceptable. So we self-censor.
This is a space where you can feel more present in your body, and therefore more present to yourself and your writing. You have permission to awaken and explore your soul message and your voice, without feeling repressed, shamed, or ridiculed.
I want you to get your book written and your message out in the world in a confident, authentic, powerful yet heart-centered way.
Your voice, your message, your BOOK are needed!
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The Embodied Artist’s Way workshops, products and programs (including Write Your Soul Book) are for people who are ready to answer the call back to their inner wildness, aliveness, and creativity.
You are ready, willing to do ancestral, magical, embodied movement, homework, journaling. You're excited about discovering yourself and connecting to the soul of your book. This means being ready to disappear overwhelm, gain clarity and focus, and write your book through exploring, creating, deepening a connection with the intelligence of your body and your heart, not just your mind.
You have to be ready to stretch yourself open and find your essential, creative self.
Being a heart-centered leader with an important message myself, I’m known to work best with other heart-centered leaders with a big message.
To write a book is to invite the soul of your message to come through you, to transform you, so that you transform the world.
Your book is a gift. It is a gift to you, because in the writing of it, you dive into depths of your soul, the depths of your resilience, your endurance, your willingness to open to truth, your willingness to open to creativity and the wisdom of your heart and body. It is a path to both humility and greatness. To write a book, you will have to surrender to your greater self.
No more excuses. No more suppression. Just a very different way of being and having full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: Write Your Book.
For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work?
I’m very selective in who I work with and I (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) The Sensual Intelligence™ programs are NOT for those who:
1) Who are just wanting to get their entrepreneurial book written and published purely for profit and speed. There are many programs that cater towards getting your book done fast. We've all seen those books. What I have found is that these books lack soul and substance, and are just marketing gimmicks to attract more clients (are they really YOUR clients though?), without any real depth or transformation for anyone.
2) Are not willing to write their book. I’m not a ghost writer nor am I an editor. What I do is help you unblock and sustain a healthy and nourishing relationship with your muse so that you are able to write a book that you love and that speaks to your readers.
3) This program is also not for you if you are not wanting to tap into embodiment. We will be moving, dancing, voicing, and using the body as a creative instrument.
4) If you want to be a starving artist, suffering alone in isolation, this program is not for you. This is a transformational space, inviting you to live life out loud, on purpose, AND change people’s lives through your book.
Do yourself 3 Favors:
1) Get my FREE: Write Your Soul Book Guide.
Are you ready to unlock your full creative potential and write a book that speaks from your heart?
Get my Free Guide to Jumpstart Your Joy, Focus, & Creative Inspiration to Write Your Soul Book!
Reclaim Your Creativity, Find Your Unique Voice, and LOVE the Journey to becoming an Author.
2) Get my book
Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ. Not only was it a #1 Bestseller, it's also an awesome way to get to know me, how I work, to get to know yourself, and already start getting out of your head and into your body and creativity.
3) Get Started on your book TODAY
Join my Embodied Writing masterclass, where I give you the first steps on how you can stop forcing creativity or working yourself to death to write a book. Get a taste for how writing your book can be simple, fun, intuitive and organized! It's only $33!